Sunday, May 17, 2009

For Example, Treat For Oncological Disease Any Separate

For example, treat for oncological disease any separate body, Not wishing to understand, that the oncology is general(common) disease of all organism, that It is all immune system punched at any level. " look up in search engine Unfortunately, at Medicine there is a limit of opportunities ", - so console relatives, lowering(omitting) eyes. Yes in fact it not about medicine, and about it(her) , limited Figures who are on guard and Approaches to the person and its(his) health. The original medicine is capable to create Miracles under to become evangelical... Excuse, dear(expensive) reader, we again come back to , to which Recently it was executed two years. Alas, all that was now spoken about synthetics, To medicine, etc., has the most direct attitude(relation) to those huge missed To opportunities by which any is characterized practically Average life. Sincere care of its(his) relatives, Ignorant in questions of health, has proved not only that Roofing felt At them it is constant and it is deprived movement, but also that in it(him) Infinitely poured in milk and all time treated to meat broths and soups. I shall ask to ponder that I shall speak now, not hurrying up to reject Told, it is as though paradoxical has sounded for your ear. In a day nursery and Kindergartens exist for some reason coded (I managed to get them on To essence in that way which has been so expressively represented Once in a film " the Feat of the scout ") instructions about, that in Children's diet it has been daily stipulated up to five hundred-six hundred grams Milk. Well it or is bad From the point of view of official, expressing all-round Care of the child, it is magnificent, it expresses care of a society of the Young successors. And from the point of view of real health It is monstrous, it Terribly.. We shall look a unbiassed sight: what of mammals Uses milk, was above chest age Any Very simply: when The kid is above chest age, at it(him) manufacture of those dies off Enzymes which are capable of 100 to split got in gastroenteric Path milk for the nature in the evolution is economic and expedient and Therefore has quite reasonably cleaned(removed) from an organism that in natural conditions After chest age never it is not useful to it(him) any more.


  1. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <a href="">Genital Herpes</a>

  2. Yeast Infection : The researchers gave healthy men and women to choose from 4 types of food, which contained 50 grams of carbohydrates: white bread, white bread and 60 grams of almonds, cooked rice, instant mashed potatoes.
